Saturday, July 5, 2008

ODSF 2008

YLs listening to breifing
On 12nd of Jun until 14th of Jun, we have goes to Sekolah Menengah Datu Paduka Mat Salleh to organize an Olympic Day Sport Festival for 2008. This is the 3rd joint Olympic Day Sport Festival that organized by us. Our school was incharge of the Media and Publicity team.
To make our work easier, we were helped by the other link teacher, and the Young Leader from SMK Datu Paduka Mat Salleh, Ranau. The YL from Sabah College handle the Sport Management team, while the YL from SMK Membakut handle the Administration team. For the welcoming ceremony, YL Lorenzo and Clyna dance the traditional dance called Mangalang

(Young Leader)

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